A journal of moments past and present as Robert walks from Earth to Eternity

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Once upon a time there was a young couple who went to have their photo taken for the Church directory.

 It just so happened that the day they were scheduled for their picture was Valentine's Day.

In honor of the day the young wife wore a red sweater with a gold heart locket.
The husband wore his traditional Greek fisherman's hat and his favorite sweater with a sailboat on it.

They both loved to sail and had a little trailer-able sailboat that they loved to travel with and on.

They had married young and so now that they were in their late twenties early thirties they no longer could call themselves Newlyweds. They had a home and a boat to maintain and an active group of friends both at church and with their Sailing club. They were very busy, working and playing and getting ready to start a family.They had jobs that required a fairly long commute everyday, which they did together.

 In fact they lived so far from work that the photo session was scheduled for right after work and then they would go out to dinner and finally get home late that night only to get up early and start all over again.

I tell you these facts so you will know that even though they had been married awhile and they were very busy and sometimes worn out by all that they did building a life together - they were very much in Love.

 And this picture is proof. How?

They were sitting in front of the camera chatting with the photographer when he asked the husband

"How much do you love her?"

Without waiting a beat the husband surprised the photographer and the wife by turning and giving her a kiss on her cheek.

It's a good thing the photographer was fast because even though he was surprised he still caught the moment.
And this picture was treasured by the young couple for the rest of their lives.

And even though He is gone, it's still my favorite picture of us.